Organization: Coalition for Peace in Africa
Registration deadline: 18 May 2018
Starting date: 21 May 2018
Ending date: 25 May 2018
The Conflict Analysis, Management and Mediation Course aims at building capacities of practitioners working in conflict and post conflict settings in the continent so that they are better placed to make interventions that will contribute to building of more sustainable peace in their areas of operation.
This course will take participants through:
a) An overview of understanding Africa’s conflicts,
b) A dissection of various tools of analysis that can contribute to more informed and inclusive interventions,
c) A range of conflict management skills with key focus being on mediation
d) Peacebuilding with main focus being on gender mainstreaming, Trauma awareness, healing and reconciliation
Understanding Conflict and Overview of Conflicts in Africa: This session aims at levelling participants understanding of conflict and peace. Time will be taken to go through different conflicts experienced in the continent of Africa and wherever possible there will be discussions on various strategies that have been used to halt violence and to build peace.
Conflict Analysis: The session will take participants through an understanding of what conflict analysis is and how its findings can inform intervention strategies, actors to work with and different entry levels. There will be analysis of real time conflicts experienced in participants’ contexts.
Conflict Management/Mediation Skills: The session will take participants through various conflict management strategies but the key focus will be on understanding Mediation. The session will enable participants get a better understanding of the roles, skills and qualities of a mediator, understanding the mediation process including identifying and prioritizing issues, dealing with impasse, emotions and power dynamics and also moving towards resolution and closing. There will be simulation exercises using real life conflicts situations to enable the participants’ synthesis the learning.
Peace Building: The session will take participants through the different peacebuilding strategies that they can use in their interventions depending on what level of society they are operating in. Focus will also be on how our interventions can institutionalize the way they engage women in initiatives. Given the post conflict nature of most Africa’s operating context, time will also be given to the issue of trauma awareness, healing and reconciliation as one of the strategies that can help the continent to break from the ongoing cycles of violence at different levels of society. Different strategies that can be used to enable communities move on after conflict situations will be discussed.
Main Facilitator:Dr. Babu Ayindo
For over two decades, Dr. Babu has been involved in the designing and facilitation of conflict transformation and peacebuilding processes and projects with various agencies in different parts of the world. Most of his work focuses on program design, implementation and management; evaluation of peace and social justice initiatives; teaching and training; facilitation of peace processes; building of healthy organizations; writing and experimenting with arts approaches to peacebuilding in diverse cultural contexts in Africa, North America and Asia.
In addition, he has taught in a number of peace institutes including: the Summer Peacebuilding Institute of Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia (USA); the Peace and Development Institute of the American University, Washington, DC; the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute, the Philippines; and, the Canadian School of Peacebuilding. In Africa, he is one of the main trainers for the Coalition For Peace in Africa (COPA).
Some of his publications include: co-authoring When You Are the Peacebuilder (published by United States Institute of Peace, 2001); “Arts Approaches to Peace: Playing Our Way to Transcendence”published in Barry Hart (ed) Peacebuilding in Traumatized Societies (University of America Press, Inc.,2008); “Trauma Awareness and Healing in the Somali Cluster: A Report on the Status of Achievements, Lessons and Outcomes” (published by Pact, 2010); Mpatanishi: A Handbook for Community Based Mediators (published in 2010 by PeaceNet Kenya); and, In Search of Healers (published by the Coalition of Peace in Africa in 2011).
How to register:
Filled in application forms should be sent to COPA by email. All received applications will be acknowledged and if successful a corresponding letter of admission and other necessary documentations will be sent to the applicant. Please send your completed application to
Application forms can be obtained by sending an email to or from (upcoming events)