Organization: Coalition for Peace in Africa
Registration deadline: 22 Jun 2018
Starting date: 25 Jun 2018
Ending date: 29 Jun 2018
The ‘*Training of trainers in peacebuilding and conflict transformation Course’* is targeting 15 peacebuilding practitioners with an interest in deepening their knowledge and skills in peacebuilding and conflict transformation and in designing, facilitating and evaluating trainings. The five day training is divided into two parts: part one, will focus on Understanding Conflict, Conflict Analysis, Conflict Management and Peacebuilding strategies; the second part will focus on skills and knowledge required to be an effective trainer in designing, facilitating and evaluating a training programme. The first part will take 2 days and the last 3 days.
At the end of the five days, participants are expected to have gained the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in peacebuilding relevant to African contexts. In addition, they would practice fundamental skills in conducting training in various contexts.
Core thematic areas:
Part One:
Introduction: Understanding Conflict, Conflict analysis
Theories of conflict and peace
Peacemaking and Peacebuilding: Learning from African Indigenous cultures
Strategies of Peacebuilding Interventions
Fundamental Skills in Conflict Resolution
Part Two:
Fundamentals in Adult learning in the African context
Exploring the role of a facilitator/training in dynamic contexts
Designing a training curriculum
Facilitation skills and techniques
Evaluating a training programme
Objectives of the training
By the end of the training, participants would have had the space and opportunity to:
Deepen their understanding and knowledge of conflict, peace, conflict analysis, theories of peace and conflict;
Enhance their skills and capacities in peacebuilding strategies relevant to their various contexts;
Enhance their skills in peacebuilding training design, delivery and evaluation;
Training/Learning Methodology and Approach
This intensive training will utilize Adult Learning methodology, drawing from Paulo Freire and others. Participants will be required to fully contribute from their knowledge and reflections in peace, development, human rights, gender rights and humanitarian work, amongst other fields. The learning will, therefore, be experiential and will engage participants in individual tasks, group tasks, case studies, mini-lectures and role-plays and simulations, amongst others. The practical elements are designed to help the participants synthesize the learning and make it relevant to their contexts. Participants will also have the opportunity to design and do ‘actual training’ facilitation.
Lead facilitator – Dr. Babu Ayindo
Dr. Babu Ayindo has over two decades of experience as a storyteller, teacher, facilitator, researcher and writer. He has taught short courses on arts-based approaches to peacebuilding in seven peacebuilding institutes in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and North America. He holds a B.Ed from Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya) and M.A in Peace and Conflict Studies from Eastern Mennonite University (Virginia, USA). His PhD from the University of Otago –New Zealand is on Arts, Peacebuilding and Decolonzation.
Some of his publications include: co-authoring When You Are the Peacebuilder (published by United
States Institute of Peace, 2001); “Arts Approaches to Peace: Playing Our Way to Transcendence
“published in Barry Hart (ed) Peacebuilding in Traumatized Societies (University of America Press,
Inc.,2008); “Trauma Awareness and Healing in the Somali Cluster: A Report on the Status of Achievements, Lessons and Outcomes” (published by Pact, 2010); Mpatanishi: A Handbook for Community Based Mediators (published in 2010 by PeaceNet Kenya); and, In Search of Healers (published by the Coalition of Peace in Africa in 2011).
Important Information International Participants
A Yellow Fever Certificate will be required
Unless where otherwise advised by COPA, visas are issued upon arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport at a cost of $50.
How to register:
How to Apply
Application forms can be downloaded from They can also be obtained by requesting the same from Filled in application forms should be sent to COPA by email. All received applications will be acknowledged. If successful a corresponding letter of admission and other necessary documentations will be sent to the applicant. Please send your completed application to and cc to
Admission Criteria
English speakers-The training will be facilitated in English
Practitioners in Peacebuilding, humanitarian relief, human rights and development
Practitioners who are keen to deepen their knowledge in Peacebuilding matters
Trainers or those who are keen to start engaging as trainers